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Kurt Tasche
9 Views · 4 months ago

3 Ways Mindfulness Tames Negative Self-Talk

How much are you focusing on today?When we’re feeling negative, frequently it’s because we’re looking anywhere but where we are. Either our eyes are on the past and on the mistakes we’ve made and the opportunities we’ve missed, or we’re off worrying about the future, and what may or may not happen. We forget to live in the moment and embrace the space where we are right now. We’re not acting with mindfulness, and as a result, we’re missing out on a world of possibility.Self-talk likewise can become sidetracked in the same way. The statements we tell ourselves typically focus on the things we’ve done wrong, or what we’re likely to screw up tomorrow. Our entire inner dialogue takes us down this road away from the current moment and off into the time machine of our mind where every time is on an equal level with ‘right now.’This is where mindfulness becomes a powerful tool to tame negative self-talk. How?Begin with AcceptanceYou are where you are. End of story. Every person is a compilation of everything that’s come before, and every hope and dream for the future. They’re messy and complicated. Sometimes they do things they aren’t proud of, sometimes they do. Whatever the case, wherever you are right now is you. Embrace the person you are in this moment. There’s no need to dredge up the past nor fret about the future when you’re focused on the you in this moment. There is only acceptance in the here and now.Be Open to LearningWhatever happened before becomes a lesson to you. What did you discover about yourself? Start seeing every mistake as an opportunity to learn. Nothing more. There is no judgment, only the calm acceptance that this too was a building block for the you of today. Remind yourself of these lessons but allow no other thoughts to intrude.Discover FlowEmbrace positive activities. Find the things you can get lost in, where everything seems to flow without awareness of the passage of time. These are the things you’re meant to do. Track the emotions as you engage in flow. What are the thoughts springing from these moments? Feel your confidence build, embrace the positivity of your inner dialogue. This is you at your finest.Mindfulness is not hard to learn. It’s about awareness of being conscious of what’s here in front of you this moment. It’s about being aware of the you of the moment, and the things you’re discovering in this awareness. When you genuinely reach this state, you’ll find there’s no room for negativity at all. Just a more positive version of yourself, reflected in your contentment and the dialogue within yourself. #positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
5 Views · 4 months ago

4 Steps to Change Your Self-Talk to Be Your Ally

What if you were offered a coach who could see you through every tough challenge you faced? What if someone was always there with an encouraging word, to bolster your courage and build you up? Someone who knows you better than any other person in the world and still thinks you’re terrific? Someone who sees only the success you can be, and never brings up the past or criticizes unfairly?Now, what if I told you this someone is already there, in your life, waiting to be heard? Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? There’s only one catch: You have to drop the negativity and make your self-talk your ally, not your enemy. Read on to discover 4 steps to do just that:Pay Attention to the DialogueYou can’t change what you don’t understand. The first step is to start paying attention to the things you tell yourself. What kinds of things are you saying? Are there pet phrases? Do you seem more negative after certain triggers? Where are the sticking points you come back to again and again?Learn to Tune Things OutBy listening, we allow negativity free rent on space in our heads. It’s better just to acknowledge what’s being said and ignore it. The more you make a big deal out of it, the more you’re giving it room to grow. Instead tell yourself, “OK, this is there. Who cares?”Find Your PhraseHere’s where you get to create your go-to phrase. Make it a good one, as you’re going to get a lot of mileage out of it. Even something simple like “You’ve got this” can pack a positive punch. Pick something that makes you feel good when you hear it. Insert this into your dialogue as needed.Remind Yourself to FocusThe problem with negative self-talk is it’s so distracting. When you catch it happening, call yourself back to what you’re doing. If it helps, even saying the word “Focus” out loud can be helpful to get your attention back where it needs to be. There’s no room for negativity in that kind of concentration. When we engage in positive self-talk, this inner dialogue becomes an ally like no other. You open yourself to growth and change. You discover a world of possibilities and as a result, accomplish more than you ever thought possible.#positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
6 Views · 4 months ago

4 Unique Techniques for Changing Your Self-Talk

Feeling kind of negative and ‘down’ lately? Do you find your footsteps lagging, with nothing seeming overly interesting? Are you lost in a bad case of the blahs?It might be you’ve gotten yourself lost in the world of negative self-talk. When you start paying attention to what you’re saying to yourself in your thoughts, you might wind up being surprised. When tired and burned out, it’s not uncommon to fall into a dialogue that slowly grows more and more negative. When this happens, it’s time to break out this spiral of depression and angst. In short, it’s time to change your self-talk for the better. For a quick pick-me-up, try some of these unique techniques for changing self-talk back over to a more positive tone:Create an AnchorWhen things go bad, it’s good to have someplace you can go to rest, to recharge, to regain a sense of who you are. By creating a ‘happy place’ in your mind that is soothing and restful, you can block out negativity and get yourself re-centered again. The key? It has to be someplace comforting, where you feel secure and loved. Create this hideaway in as much detail as possible, laying in not just sights, but sounds, smells, even the feel of the textures around you. This will become your safe hideaway when you need it.List PossibilitiesWhat are the things you love most? Make a list of things to do, places to go, books you love, anything inspiring happiness. Keep this list handy and try to indulge in one ‘happiness booster’ every single day. By giving yourself something which feels like a treat, you’ll find your mood and self-talk both shift to a more positive note.Celebrate AccomplishmentWhenever you do something, you’re proud of, write the accomplishment on a slip of paper and add it to a jar or box designated as your treasure chest. Whenever you start feeling negative, grab out a handful to re-read, to remind you of just how many things you’ve accomplished, and all the things you have to be proud of. Negativity can’t stand up to that kind of hard evidence.Treat Yourself Like a FriendCaught in a negative thought? Take this statement and pretend someone just said the very same thing to a child or your best friend. What would you tell them about this thought? How would you comfort them? How would you treat someone who said such a thing to someone you love? Now ask yourself why you’re allowing someone (you) to say that to you.With minimal effort, it’s so easy to shift your thinking! Change is simply a matter of being intentional in your thoughts. In other words, pay attention to what you’re saying. Practice the techniques. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your attitude shifts and life changes for the better.#positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
7 Views · 4 months ago

4 Ways to Include Positive Self-Talk into Your Life

Has it ever felt like some people have all the luck? You know who I’m talking about. In every group, there’s someone who seems to have it all. They succeed in seemingly everything they attempt. They enjoy good health. Their relationships are more intimate and longer lasting. It’s no wonder these folks seem so positive all the time.Have you considered you’re looking at them the wrong way around?Oddly enough, people don’t tend to be optimists naturally. In fact, what you find out when you get to know one of these stellar successes better is that they succeed because they have a positive outlook, which stems from one simple facet of their personality: They all indulge in positive self-talk.Positive self-talk is the impetus of optimism. Thankfully it can be learned. You start by following these four simple steps:Check Your DialogueWhat are you saying? Everyone keeps up a fairly constant stream of self-talk. Start paying attention to the words you use. It might seem obvious, but if you want to induce positive self-talk, you need to drop the negative. Start by identifying the triggers. What negative words and phrases do you use most often? What positive words can you substitute? It might be you need to do some work to root out the more common culprits as frequently the most negative statements have roots outside yourself. When this happens, remind yourself the only opinion that truly counts is your own. What would you rather tell yourself instead?Add Some FunIt’s almost impossible to stay negative when you’re laughing. By looking for the humor in the situation, you change your entire attitude. Your outlook shifts, and you find yourself feeling more positive. Your self-talk shifts right along with it. You’ll find yourself laughing internally and feeling better about yourself.Explore OptimismPositive self-talk stems from an optimistic viewpoint. When you confront a new situation, look at how you react. Make a conscious effort to see the bright side of the situation. Assume the best-case scenario. This optimism carries into your self-talk. Start assuming the best about yourself as well.Persist Remember, practice makes perfect. You’re not going to succeed overnight. If you catch yourself thinking something rather negative, don’t fall into a blame spiral, thinking you’ve failed. Be easy on yourself, and simply remind yourself of something positive. If you need help remembering these steps, try posting affirmations where you see them frequently. Positive Self-talk becomes a habit when you practice it daily. The more you hang in there and try, the more optimistic you’ll feel. Before you know it, you’re going to be one of those people you used to admire, and people will be looking up to you.#positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
4 Views · 4 months ago

5 Tips for Keeping Your Self-Talk Positive on a Daily Basis

There are certain things we do (or should do) every day without thinking. We need to be brushing our teeth and drinking enough water. We ought to be eating healthy and remembering to exercise. If we’re really on task, we might also be doing something to expand our minds or work toward a specific goal.Now consider this: of everything, what would you say the single most important thing you do is?Chances have you answered something to do with sleeping properly or taking care of your physical health. Believe it or not, there’s something even more critical, and it has to do with your self-talk.Maintaining a positive inner dialogue, also known as positive self-talk is the one thing which is going to motivate everything else you do. It’s when you’re positive that you put in the effort to take care of yourself. When you encourage yourself, those tremendous big goals (not to mention all the small ones) become possible. Think of positive self-talk as the gas, which makes the car move.With so much riding on what you’re saying to yourself, how do you keep positive daily? Try following these five tips:Know Your TriggersCertain people, places, and situations are going to raise up an instant series of negative self-talk messages. Knowing what those are in advance helps you to defuse the situation before it gets out of hand. Ask yourself what you can do to avoid those triggers? What statements can you use to combat the messages which always come up when you’re triggered?Do an InventoryPeriodically check your inner dialogue. Is it getting negative? Pay attention to the signs telling you things are going downhill. Being mindful helps you to insert positive dialogue cues as needed to keep things on an even keel.LaughIt’s impossible to stay negative when laughing. Looking for the humor in situations helps you to stay positive.Hang with the Right CrowdIt’s easy to have your mood affected by those around you. By sticking around positive people, you’ll find upbeat energy tends to rub off. Find InspirationCreating positive affirmations and daily repeating them starts the process of integrating specific thoughts into your dialogue. Keep these affirmations where you can see them. Leave notes to yourself inviting you to read those words again and again until they become part of who you are.Engaging in daily positive self-talk is the one habit you want to spend time creating. There is no substitute for this kind of dialogue, which means you’re going to need to put in the effort until these actions become automatic. When you reach that point, you’re going to see some real positive change. #positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
5 Views · 4 months ago

5 Types of Negative Self-Talk and How to Stop Them

We like to think we’re optimistic, positive people. After all, no one wants to be considered a grump. Besides, isn’t that what we’re taught from the time we’re children, to smile and think the best of those around us?In truth, we don’t always quite hit the mark. We might mean to be positive, but those negative thoughts have a way of creeping in, especially if we’re tired or anxious. Strong emotion has a way of derailing us, as do the negative influences around us. In short, we’re constantly being broadsided by negativity, and we can’t help but respond in kind. How do we learn to recognize when our self-talk is turning negative and stop it before it gains a foothold in our lives? We start by learning how to identify the most common culprits.Black and White ThinkingThe minute you start using ‘all’ or ‘nothing’ statements you’re already falling into a negativity mindset. When this comes up, the best thing to do is to remind yourself the world doesn’t really work that way. In fact, there are more shades of grey than you might think.Tunnel VisionWhen you can only see the bad in everything, it’s no wonder you can feel lost in a sea of despair and negative self-talk. Here you see the world as only negative and seek out proof by pointing out every flaw or failure. This is defeated by rewording the statements as they come up. Look for the positive spin you can put on things. The Disaster PlanWhen you can only see the negative outcome in everything. For this, accept that sometimes, failure happens. You can even use dire predictions to work out a ‘plan B’ in case you need one, but also remember to remind yourself there’s also a chance of success in what you try. There’s no reason to assume the worst.AnticipationIn this, you assume you know what someone else is thinking, and it’s never good. To combat it? Try having an honest conversation with the person instead. Let them speak for themselves. They might even surprise you. Again, quit assuming the worst.The Guilty ConscienceYou messed up. Once. A long time ago. It’s time to let it go. For some people, their brains are expert at bringing up the past, regardless of how much time has passed or what you’ve done to correct the mistake. Here you need to remind yourself of the lessons you’ve learned. Remember, the past is in the past. Look forward, seeing the possibilities. Let go of the rest.The world really is a more wonderful place than you might have realized. When you let go of negative self-talk, you’re giving yourself the ability to try out a new frame of mind and see just how good things can be. Embrace positivity. Discover what the world has to offer!#positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
4 Views · 4 months ago

3 Steps to Boosting Your Confidence by Changing Your Self-Talk

Imagine this scenario:Work doesn’t feel satisfying. You don’t feel like you’ve been getting enough responsibility at work. You’d like to prove you’re capable of more, perhaps get a promotion. But you don’t say anything. You hope your boss will somehow magically understand and be the first to bring it up.Or try this:You’ve been interested in a certain someone for a long time. So far, you’ve been content to watch from afar. You find yourself wistfully thinking about how nice it would be if they noticed you if they said hello. You wait, silently, not far away and wonder if you’ll ever catch their eye.If either of these scenarios sounds familiar, it might be you’re needing a substantial boost in your self-confidence. Confidence is what takes us from the world of wishful thinking over into action. Confidence starts a conversation. Confidence gives you the impetus to stand up and say what’s on your mind.The problem with self-confidence is it tends to stem from your self-talk. What you tell yourself dictates how you’re feeling about yourself. If you’re constantly putting yourself down, you’re going to struggle with feeling confident enough to approach a difficult situation. After all, if you don’t like yourself, how can you expect the world to?You can change these scenarios. You start with changing your self-talk in three easy steps.Start ListeningWhen you really pay attention to what you’re saying you might be surprised. Most of us tune out the words we say most often because we’ve heard them so many times before. You might be amazed at just how negative some of those thoughts are.Verify What’s True, and What Isn’tThe question then becomes, just which of these statements are true, and which ones aren’t. What evidence do you have of this? Don’t be afraid to become an investigator. For example, are you always late? Check and find out. Our minds are very good at blowing things out of proportion.Rephrase What’s Being SaidIf you don’t like the answers you’re getting in the previous step, it’s time to rephrase what you’re saying. Replace outright lies with positive truths. Turn statements around into questions that seek out solutions. By being mindful of your self-talk, you’ll find your confidence growing exponentially. You’ll feel better about yourself, and more courageous in being able to express your feelings, with the expectation that someone else will want to listen to what you’re saying. After all, when you like you, how can anyone else resist?#positiveselftalk #selflove #confidencebuilding #personaldevelopment #selfcare #motivational #affirmations #mentalhealth #empowerment #selfimprovement

Kurt Tasche
9 Views · 4 months ago

4 Brain Boosts for Better Focus

Today, society demands that we always be on our A-game. Not just “on the ball,” but “in front of the ball.” Whatever your preferred metaphor, to function successfully in the world today, you need to be focused. But this can be difficult. Between distractions, brain fog, and too much jitter-causing caffeine, getting through the day can be a struggle. Below you will find four easy ways to cut through the fog and gain better focus for your busy and meaningful days.1. Lower Your StressStress is hard on a body, both physically and mentally. Every time your body experiences stress it produces and secretes stress hormones, giving your body the signal to fight or take flight. Lowering your stress will reduce the number of stress hormones your body produces and allow you to think clearly, responding to situations instead of reacting. Lowering your stress levels may mean saying “no” more often, asking for helping, or delegating tasks to others either at work or at home. 2. Cut Out Food IntolerancesSome foods, especially when consumed in excessive amounts, have been proved to affect brain function negatively. You do not have to give up these foods completely, but you can try cutting back or attempt an elimination diet. Food intolerances can also be an added strain on your brain function. These intolerances, similar to allergies, can cause reactions within the body that make it hard to focus. Foods to consider cutting back on can include pre-cooked meats, artificial sweeteners, bacon (especially the heavily preserved kind found in the supermarket), alcohol, and cheese/dairy. Remember, you do not have to cut out any of these foods completely, but you may want to consider how much you are consuming.3. Increase Key NutrientsAmp up your intake of nutrients that help your body and brain function best. Your body needs calories from fat, protein, and carbs to work properly. You may also want to consider if you are consuming enough magnesium, B vitamins, and choline.4. Get Your Zzz’sGetting enough quality sleep might just be one of the most significant contributors to having better focus during the day. Your body needs sleep to recuperate and clear out everything from the previous day. This includes liver function, cortisol (a stress hormone) regulation, and muscle repair. Basically, if you aren’t sleeping enough or well enough, your body can’t function at its top condition.Having a clear and focused mind can seem like a tall order, one that you can’t possibly stack up to. But that isn’t the case. Take small and simple steps toward clearing the fog and cobwebs, and toward a brain that is ready for whatever the day brings. #brainexercises #concentration #focus

Kurt Tasche
4 Views · 4 months ago

5 Things You Should be Doing to Improve Focus at Work

Are you someone that skips from task to task at work without spending a significant amount of time on any one thing? You probably are if you’re reading this article… but that’s okay, you’re here now, and we are going to work on it. Keep reading to learn the 5 things you should be doing at work to improve your focus and productivity.1. Respond, Don’t ReactImmediate reaction is something we all feel like we have to do. New email? Read, react, and hit send. New to-do pops up on your project management system? Do it immediately. STOP. First, unless something is marked “Immediate Action Needed,” it can probably wait. Stop reacting immediately and instead take time to work through, think, and respond when you’re ready.2. Hardest FirstGet the toughest (or most boring) tasks done first thing in the morning. This will get it out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of your day, and it will stop you from procrastinating to avoid that unbearable task. 3. Stop Time-SucksTime-sucks come in many forms. Notifications, social media, and cleaning out your deleted email files are great examples. You are giving up your valuable time to those things that can wait, and instead, most likely creating a backlog of work for yourself. Do whatever it is you need to do to remove the temptation and get back to work.4. Make a To-Do ListA game plan for your day is possibly the most valuable tool you have at your disposal. Simply knowing what all you need to do and what other commitments you have will give you a clear view of what your day will look like. A simple piece of paper with a time ladder and checkboxes will do the trick.5. Work in ChunksBreak your day up into chunks by time. Working for forty-five minutes with a ten-minute break will not only make the day go by faster but will also help you learn to gauge how long specific tasks take and where your time is being used.Improving your focus at work is about more than exercising your brain to be more productive. It’s also about training yourself to work, respond, and plan your day in a way that is most useful to you. This will look different for everyone, but with time and practice, you can become an effective worker.#improvefocus #work #focusatwork

Kurt Tasche
4 Views · 4 months ago

9 Things You Should be Eating for Better Focus

Food and the nutrients they provide are the building blocks of our bodies and minds. Properly fueling your body is the perfect way to make sure your mind is ready to take on the day.1. BlueberriesEating these tasty berries will not turn you into Violet Beauregarde, thankfully. But studies have shown that blueberries do contain antioxidants that can boost memory and improve focus for hours after eating them. 2. Green TeaSipping this delicious beverage will give you a boost of caffeine and L-Theanine. When caffeine and L-Theanine are combined, they work together to improve alertness and focus without the dreaded crash that typically comes a few hours later.3. AvocadosIt’s no wonder social media influencers are preaching the benefits of avocados. Filled with good fats and fiber, they enhance blood flow and other, um… flows as well. Better blood flow means a healthier and happier brain.4. Leafy Green VegetablesAntioxidants, carotenoids, and B-vitamins. All of these individually and combined help with memory and focus, as well as protecting your brain and giving it the nutrients it needs to replenish after a long day of work.5. Fatty FishConsuming a serving of fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, or sardines, has been shown to increase memory, mental performance, and lessen issues such as mood swings and fatigue. This is all thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, something that is abundant in several types of fish.6. WaterYour entire body is made up of water, and it is no surprise that it depends on it. Drinking enough water daily can aid in memory, focus, and creativity. Be sure to find your happy range of daily water intake.7. Dark ChocolateBefore you get carried away, it only takes a small serving of dark chocolate daily to reap the benefits. Caffeine and magnesium combine in this decadent treat to stimulate your brain and release the feel-good hormones, endorphins and serotonin. Both give you energy, focus, and a positive mood.8. Flax SeedThese tiny seeds are filled with goodness such as magnesium, B-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and even fiber. Grinding the seeds gives your body the ability to digest them fully and to benefit from the mental clarity and focus that comes from them.9. NutsNuts also contain a number of health benefits. Protein, vitamin E, and amino acids are packed into a one-ounce serving, giving you less cognitive decline and better focus throughout your day.Filling your diet with benefit-packing foods can sometimes seem complicated, with the newest superfood changing daily. However, small additions of these 9 foods can allow you to reap the benefits of small changes.

Kurt Tasche
4 Views · 4 months ago

6 Tricks to Regain Lost Focus

It happens to everyone at some point. You’re moving along, zipping through your to-dos at work or at home, and then BOOM. Something happens around you, and your focus and productivity train is derailed. It can be tricky to find your footing and get back into your groove. However, six tricks can minimize the chance of derailment and help you to get back on track after losing focus.1. MeditateMeditation is like exercising the muscle of your mind. A few moments every day is a way to practice focus and attention. Meditation can seem odd and overwhelming for many. Try starting with a guided meditation app or station. A few minutes every day can make a big difference.2. Silence Your Phone (and computer)We are all guilty of it. Every time your phone rings, vibrates, or lights up, you automatically look away from your task to glance at your phone. Stop those notifications, silence your phone, or put it out of your line of vision (in a desk drawer or up on a shelf).3. Close Your DoorIf your office is in a high traffic area, consider closing your door for a few hours a day so you can work through your more complicated tasks. This will eliminate the distractions of people walking by, sticking their heads in, and may make others think twice before knocking. This will give you more uninterrupted time to work.4. Take BreaksTaking breaks probably seems counterintuitive. However, taking breaks from work can give your mind a rest too. Also, if you know you have a ten-minute break coming up, it will provide you with an incentive to push through a laborious task.5. STOP MultitaskingThere is no way around this, but multitasking is killing your productivity and your focus. Multitasking means you are splitting your attention between multiple items, which means you are not giving anything your full attention. Stop it. Focus on one task at a time.6. Remove Internal DistractionsInternal distractions are the little ideas, to-dos, and random thoughts that pop into your head while working on a different task. When this happens, take a moment to write down that thought/to-do, and then get back to work. Writing it down will allow your brain to let go of it while you get back to work, and you can revisit it later.Regaining lost focus doesn’t have to be a carnival trick. With practice and the correct tools in place, you can restore your focus quickly and with little downtime.

Kurt Tasche
5 Views · 4 months ago

5 Tips to Eliminate Distractions to Gain Better Focus

Distractions come in all shapes and sizes and can ruin even the best laid of plans and intentions. Some distractions cannot be helped or ignored (fire alarms or crying babies), but many of our daily interruptions can be. Keep reading for five simple steps to minimizing and eliminating disturbances that are keeping you from focusing on what matters most.1. Turn Off NotificationsWe love notifications. From our phone, from our computers, from everything. Turn them off. You do not need to know every time you get a like or a retweet. You can also turn off notifications from other apps (health, email, news, coupons), and do the same with notifications that come from your computer for emails and ads. This will significantly lower the number of distractions you will have throughout a day.2. Put Away Your PhoneIf at all possible, put your phone on silent or away for a set amount of time. You will no longer be tempted to check-in needlessly every few moments, and when it does go off, you won’t know it. The vast majority of messages received throughout the day do not need immediate responses anyways. If you still worry about missing important calls or texts, change your settings to allow messages and calls from specific people.3. Only Necessary ProgramsIf you are working on your computer, be sure only to have open the programs that are necessary for your project. Are you working on a spreadsheet? Close your email and internet browser. Closing the unneeded programs will limit distractions and having the programs you need already opened will save you time and energy.4. Clear All the ClutterClutter comes in many forms. Physical clutter on your desk, visual clutter (notes stuck to your monitors), or mental clutter. Get everything put up, cleaned up, and out of your head so you can focus on your task at hand and not worry about distractions.5. Prepare Your NeedsPreparing your needs is about setting up your environment. Make sure your room is the right temperature or that you have a blanket if you tend to get cold. Make sure you have a beverage, a snack, and any other tools or supplies you will need. Having everything ready means you will not be leaving your work area frequently where you can get distracted and wander off.Taking a few moments to prepare yourself and your work area can go a long way in helping you to maintain focus and complete projects promptly. Looking around your area, what steps can you take now to eliminate distractions?

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